July 2020 Update
Quick Recap
There is a lot in this newsletter – because GOD IS MOVING!!!
BURN 24-7 developed a school called Hillside Intensive several years ago, which provides training and equipping for worship leaders to flow in spontaneous song and prophetic worship. It is a powerful school and we had the honor of praying over and commissioning the first graduates of Hillside years ago.
In the fall, BURN 24-7 Galveston hosted a shortened version of the Hillside school – designed to give people a taste of the BURN, spontaneous worship and community. Andrea attended and took a few of our local leaders, including the leader of YWAM Tyler’s School of Worship. This was really a profound time of catalyzing a paradigm shift that has already begun to bear fruit on the YWAM base.
We really wanted to bring the Hillside experience here locally, so last year we began to pray and strategize about what that might look like. We became connected with Reformation House of Prayer in Tyler and began working with them to put something together for their community. The result was Fireside – a single day workshop designed to give attendees an introduction to spontaneous worship, singing Scripture and the mission of BURN 24-7. It was a powerful time of teaching and hands-on learning with about 40 people attending. We received tremendous positive feedback and really feel like we have hit on a format that is extremely impactful and accessible. We are planning to use and refine the Fireside format extensively going forward.
Kid Connect
Micah is attending YWAM Tyler’s Summer of Service and Training (SST) camp for the third year in a row. During this phase, he is “student staff” for all the first year attendees. He is a natural leader and really seems to find his rhythm pouring into others.
Moriah is gearing up for high school this fall. This coming year for her will be filled with lots of books, so over this summer, she has taken the initiative to get started early on her reading. She’s also been doing a good deal of hanging out with friends, both new and old!
Archer is as active as ever. He continues to be his own amazing combination of energetic willpower and tender sweetness. As he is five, we are continuing work on letters, numbers, sight words and fun learning games.
Each year, YWAM Tyler hosts the School of Strategic Missions. This school equips missionary candidates to not only be directly launched onto the missions field, but also to seek God about their personal purpose and vision and begin developing that strategic vision.
We staffed this spring’s School of Strategic Missions, which was an amazing experience. We provided vision coaching and pastoral care for the students. We helped launch missionaries headed to eight different nations!! The Lord really did some amazing works of discipleship and healing among both students and staff!
Heart Healing
Andrea has continued to partner with Bethesda Church in Lindale to minister heart wholeness. She uses Sozo and other heart healing tools to help people encounter Jesus in a transformational way and allow Him to bring healing to their souls. This has been such a powerful ministry, not only at the local church, but also with some of the students and staff during the SOSM this past spring, as well as with other staff on the YWAM base.
Moving Forward
Team Building
We have said “yes” to God in a major way this year, committing to pursue the purpose and vision He has for us in its fullness. In order to do this, it is critical for us to raise up a team of prayer and financial warriors.
We have been reaching out to hundreds of people over the last several weeks. If we haven’t reached out to you yet, we probably will be soon. It has been encouraging to connect with people and our hope is to not only generate financial support, but also a team of people we can partner with in ministry.
Our goal is to build a team of people in whom there is mutual investment and who are willing to minister along with us. To find out more about financial giving and ministry opportunities, please click below.
Created Potential Workshops
For the last several weeks, Steve has been working with one of the YWAM staff developing a new tool that focuses on discovering and unlocking one’s “created potential.” This is the core purpose and design that has been knit inside every human by the hand of God. The process they have been developing is designed to walk people through various stages of discovery, helping them to see the hand of God in their lives and recognize and seize divine opportunities in their present and future. The first workshop was held on the YWAM Tyler base on July 10th and received great feedback to further refine this tool. After incorporating feedback, a series of workshops will be planned in the community and possibly developed into an online course.
BURN 24-7
We have had the privilege of mentoring the establishment of a BURN on the YWAM Tyler campus. We have been holding burns on base for over a year now. We continue to be an active part of this furnace as it grows and develops.
As mentioned above, we have developed a good relationship with Reformation House of Prayer (RHOP) in Tyler. We recently shared during their Monday night intercession about how modern missions is being transformed and fueled by the prayer and worship movement. We will be participating in Tent America with them again this year, and are talking and planning with them about more ways to partner together in the coming season. The leadership of RHOP is also in prayer about becoming an official BURN 24-7 furnace. This would change very little of their day-to-day operations, but would give them the support and community of the BURN 24-7 family.
Fruition 2020 (November)
The LORD has been speaking to us – especially to Andrea – about the significance of Plymouth, MA and her own family heritage and spiritual authority (her family has several ancestors who were on the Mayflower). This year is the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth, and the signing of the Mayflower Compact. Our major outreach this year will be to Plymouth, MA, to perform a “re-covenant ceremony” reaffirming our nation’s Christian heritage. We will be coupling the ceremony with at least one ministry team on the ground to minister on the streets and pray for God to bring to fruition all the prayers for our country that have yet to come to pass.
In conjunction with this, we will be coordinating 400 hours of worship and prayer from across the world of people committed to seeing God’s mighty destiny for America brought to fruition. This is going to be such a powerful time and a real “walking out” of our mantra: worship fuels missions. There are lots of logistics to coordinate with this event and we will keep you updated here on our site (and some through social media) as things come together.
We have also begun to coordinate with YWAM Tyler’s School of Evangelism for this event. For the past four years, they have taken ministry teams up the east coast and have spent part of that outreach in Plymouth each year. This will be their fifth year and we feel it is an historic opportunity to have a multi-ministry strategic effort at the 400 year anniversary of the landing at Plymouth Rock.
When is Ireland?
We’re glad you asked! That’s the question we have been asking as well. Our original plan was to be there for an extended period this spring. At the end of last year, God asked us to dedicate 2020 to the United States. It was difficult to say yes, knowing it would be another year before Ireland, but we did.
And then, COVID-19. God knew we would not be able to go, and wanted us to commit fully to what He had for us to do HERE for 2020! The idea of “do it here first” was always part of our vision and our open doors are stateside, and God has given us plenty of open doors stateside to walk through.
With all that said, we are looking at spring of 2021 to get boots on the ground in Ireland. We will be reaching out to our contacts there and in the UK later this year to begin pursuing what that trip might look like.