Open Doors
It is high time for an update. I have had so much to share, and so little time to write lately! At the New Year, as our family looked over the past year and prayed about 2020, we sensed God saying very strongly that this year there would be lots of open doors, so many that we would need to get good at “filtering” and deciding which ones to walk through. And those doors began to open very quickly! The first door that opened was a very flexible job for Steve as an insurance inspector. Many of you know that he has done disaster adjusting for insurance companies in the past, and really enjoyed it. This job is for the east Texas region, and we felt that it was such a huge answer to prayer. We quickly found, though, that the job was not able to pay nearly what we had been led to believe. In asking the Lord about this disappointment, He said that what He meant as a blessing, the enemy wants to steal, and that we are to be declaring that because the enemy tried to steal it, we will receive an even greater blessing. So that is what we have been praying and declaring. Meanwhile, despite the fact that I have become very good at budgeting, we continue to really struggle financially as we slowly rebuild our business, and we know that we need to be more aggressive in asking those we have been building partnerships with for prayer and funding.